Sunday, August 29, 2010

Halloween's Just Around the Corner....

It's getting to be that time, folks, the best time of the year! Cooler temps, cleaner air and bluer skies, and leaves beginning to turn and fall. Well, here in Texas we already have leaves falling, but it's due to heat stress. Last week, it got so hot one day that the rearview mirror in my car just slid right off the windshield! The adhesive actually melted. I live in a rural area, and fields that were still a spring-time green a month ago are now dry and increasingly dangerous. One fool with a cigarette thrown out a car window is all it takes to make a disaster. I guess it's this hot and dry all over the south. And I say, IT'S TIME FOR IT TO STOP! Come on Fall! I've never been more ready.
Ebay's art groups are shifting into high gear with the approach of Autumn, and the Artistic Halloween Queens are really going all-out with imagination and creativity. Did I mention that we plan to take over the world? Well, maybe just Ebay. The group has really grown in the last year, and each new artist is so amazing that we are all inspired anew. Aside from the tremendous talent, the best thing about the Halloween Queens is the friendship and encourgement that we find with each other. We're a sister-hood of like-minded individuals. Now, that sounds like an oxymoron, like-minded individuals, but that's exactly what we are. We all are united by our love of the season, and our love of art and creating, and our good humor and a genuine liking of each other. But at the same time, each of us has our own distinct style and personality which shines through in our art and our ideas. It's great to belong to such a wonderful and inspiring group of artists. Get ready, folks, we're just getting started!

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